Monday, September 21, 2009

Addendum to last post

Thanks to Ms Faith Chan for helping to clarify my last post. Her comment at the end proves valuable in redeeming the last paragraph of my entry, so I ask you to please take a look at what she had to say =).

Speaking of faith, if you haven't had a chance to read one of her latest entries, take a gander and enjoy. I actually meant to link to it a couple weeks ago, but again, I'm bad at blogging. So here it is now, hope you enjoy!


Currently working on pharmacy school secondary applications. Man, so much worry involved concerning the whats and whens of the future. Much prayer still to be done.

A little gem from Mr. Oswald Chambers: "Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work."

John 15:8


  1. heh, don't stress, don't stress.

    i like that last quote. i've heard it a lot in many different forms but yet the irony is the conundrum of how the hard work comes not from the actions accomplished but from the faith and depth of prayer behind each of these steps...

    for prayer, as i commonly tell my girls, is our hard work

    haha. and if you really trusted God, you wouldn't be worrying... (i tell that to myself as well)

  2. wow. what a privilege to be linked!
    i miss you guys too!! can't believe you're a...senior? wow. yea..
