Monday, April 6, 2009

Worst candy of all time

At the start of last quarter, my mom gave me a fair amount of various snacks, candies, and vittles to last a while. The stash included this bad boy:

I was excited. So I brought a bag one day to my Biochemistry 153 Lab to share with my awesome lab partners, Nancy and Tiff (two of the most awesomeist sisters ever btw).

We broke out the bag, ate a few, and then threw out the rest of the bag.

Please do yourself a favor and never, ever, eat these skittles.

A well-articulated article expressing my sentiments.


Prayer meeting earlier tonight...tasty. Joe, Jessie, Matt, Josh, Cristina, Peter, and Eric Chen...I've been a believer in Jesus for longer than most of them, yet tonight i felt like the youngest christian of the bunch. All of these cats are enjoying God right now, listening to Him, finding pleasure in 'christian hedonism.' I was reminded that this is why i am here. Amidst the numerous failures and shortcomings of ICA, amidst bitterness, anger, and vestiges of legalism still to be rooted out, amidst bust leadership like me who constantly forget to shut up and listen to the voice of the Shepherd, God is doing a grand work. Not by words or human wisdom, but by His Holy Spirit. Tis a grand, grand thing.